
F.A. Delbern
42-30255 - Lonesome Polecat II

West of the target with number 3 engine feathered, aircraft left the formation under control. 3 crew members bailed out over Germany (POW); 5 crew members bailed out over Texel Island (4 POW and Eugene Darter MIA). Pilot (Delbern) and Co-Pilot (Neff) went down with the plane into the ocean about a mile off the northern coast of Texel Island.

Person Status Role
Frederick A. Delbern KIA Pilot
Donald P. Neff KIA Co-Pilot
Royal L. Jackson POW/WIA Navigator
Junius E. Woollen POW Bombardier
Eugene F. Darter KIA Radio Operator
Loren E. Dodson POW Top Turret/Engineer
Doral A. Hupp POW Ball Turret Gunner
Frank V. Lee POW Waist Gunner
Charles J. Schreiner POW Waist Gunner
Robert T. McKeegan POW Tail Gunner