V.R. Mooring
42-97334 - Haard Luck
At 1220, 5040'N 1320'E, and the right wing on fire, this B-17G swung to the right, swung off to the left under the group, and then left the formation under control, crashed Bruex, ? – 9 POW
Person | Status | Role |
Vance R. Mooring | POW | Pilot |
Carl R. Swanson | POW | Co-Pilot |
Alfred P. Janson | POW | Navigator |
Robert A. Moerke | POW | Bombardier |
Frank Aliveto | POW | Radio Operator |
Charles P. Stein | POW | Top Turret/Engineer |
Thomas H. Merriman | POW | Ball Turret Gunner |
William P. Martin | POW | Waist Gunner |
John G. Weber | POW | Tail Gunner |