
G.F. Ransom
42-30271 - BomBoggie

At Soissons, unable to keep up with the formation, aircraft jettisoned the bombs and came under fighter attack, last seen flying into a cloud bank, crashed Nancy, France – 5 EVD - 1 KIA - 4 POW - E&E 163, 184, 196, 197, 219

Person Status Role
Glenn F. Ransom EVD Pilot
Thomas M. Caldwell POW Co-Pilot
Hubert C. Gage POW Navigator
Keith W. Murray EVD Bombardier
Charles B. Peacock KIA Radio Operator
Harold R. Knotts POW Top Turret/Engineer
John W. Beacham POW Ball Turret Gunner
Pasquale J. Delvento EVD Waist Gunner
Ralph E. Houser EVD Waist Gunner
Vincent J. Cox EVD Tail Gunner