
P.L. Huie
42-38127 - Liberty Ship

While on an air-sea search mission, an oxygen fire in the Top Turret forced this B-17G to ditch – 2 KIS - 8 RTD. Waist Gunner Joseph Roderick got trapped in the plane as it sunk. Waist Gunner Charles Smiley died in the water from injuries in the crash. The crew was in two dinghies for twelve hours before they were picked up.

Person Status Role
Perry L. Huie RTD Pilot
William Y. Satterfield RTD Co-Pilot
Cecil M. Peacock RTD Navigator
William A. Toth RTD Bombardier
Henry Wright RTD Radio Operator
Donald T. Gervais RTD Top Turret/Engineer
John P. Ische RTD Ball Turret Gunner
Joseph E. Roderick KIS Waist Gunner
Charles S. Smiley KIS Waist Gunner
Edwin A. LeCorchick RTD Tail Gunner